The Hellenic ideals must be defended

“Ancient Greece gave birth to the ideals and principles that are the foundation of western democracies. As such, all Americans share in the Hellenic spirit which is embedded in the DNA of our constitution and at the core of our cherished liberties.  As Americans of Greek heritage, we take special pride in the success of our great nation knowing that these Hellenic principles have provided the basis for the unprecedented prosperity of our country”.

The President of the American Hellenic Institute, Nick Larigakis, issued a statement in celebration of the 203rd Anniversary of the Greek War of Independence. He stressed that both the American and the Greek Revolution were inspired by the same ideals of the Enlightenment. Until our times, the friendship and strategic partnership between the United States and Greece remain strong and continue to flourish.

Nowadays “the celebration of Greek independence is an important reminder for free citizens around the world: the Hellenic ideals that yielded democracy and the rule of law must be defended. As we see every day, there are multiple forces that continue to challenge our Freedoms. If these ideals are not defended, we can expect to see the slow erosion of the very principles that provide the underpinning of our society. Only anarchy would exist without the rule of law”.

Mr. Larigakis concludes his statement noting: We must not lose sight of the danger Turkey presents in the Eastern Mediterranean and to United States interests in the region.  Turkey is a constant threat to Greece, Cyprus, and the region as a persistent violator of the rule of law, and the rules based International Order cannot be applied selectively. The community must engage our policymakers, educate them on these facts, and urge them to act. We look forward to celebrating future Greek Independence Days in a world free from threats to democracy and the rule of law and amid an Eastern Mediterranean region that is stable and at peace.”